Friday, March 25, 2011

SCA Foundation Reception

SCA Foundation Reception
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Joyce A. Wahr, M.D.
Chair, SCA Foundation

Reception to Honor FOCUS

On May 1, the SCA Foundation invites you to our annual reception recognizing the work of Bruce Spiess, M.D. and the FOCUS Committee in developing the FOCUS Initiative.

As part of the SCA Annual Meeting, the reception will be held at Vic’s on the River, 26 East Bay Street, in Savannah, GA from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm.

We are excited to have in attendance our special guest, Paul H. O’Neill, former CEO of Alcoa Corporation, former U.S. Treasury Secretary, and SCA Annual Meeting Keynote Speaker. Mr. O’Neill transformed Alcoa Corporation in the 1990s by using Toyota Production System principles, making it the premier aluminum producer in the world. He then brought these same principles to the Pittsburgh Regional Healthcare Initiative to transform training of healthcare providers and delivery of healthcare. Mr O’Neill’s work has been highlighted in a recent article, by Culig et al (Improving patient care in cardiac surgery using Toyota Production system based methodology. Ann Thorac Surg 2011;91:394-400.)

The mission of FOCUS is to improve the care of patients undergoing cardiovascular procedures. FOCUS employs a rigorous social science and engineering methodology in order to develop and measure the effectiveness of our interventions on complex systems in the operating room and across the entire episode of care. Many of the FOCUS Initiative methods echo those of TPS, in rigorously identifying and removing defects in our delivery of cardiac surgical care.

On Sunday, May 1, you will have a unique opportunity to recognize this project and the work of the SCA Foundation. The $125 ticket price for the reception includes a donation to the SCA Foundation. In order to involve a newer member of your organization, consider sponsoring one of your fellows to attend the reception. Sponsored tables are also available to accommodate groups of 6 or more.

If you cannot join us in Savannah, we invite you to contribute to all the programs of the SCA Foundation or to honor this project by sending a donation. For more information, contact the SCA Foundation at or at 804-565-6324. You can also obtain information on our events online at the SCA Foundation website (

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